The Maine Post Office was established in 1828. The first postmaster of Maine was John C. Curtis. The Maine Post Office continues in operation today with a Zip Code of 13802.
The Post Offices of Maine
Maine, N.Y./July 22 Black manuscript town and date; Black manuscript 5. Mailed to Harrisville, Cheshire County, New Hampshire (~ 250 miles) Rate for under 300 miles, per Act of March 3, 1845.
MAINE/Apr/3/N.Y. Black 29mm CDS; Black 18 x 4 mm S/L PAID. Rate for up to 3000 miles, per Act of March 3, 1851.
MAINE/Apr/8/N.Y. Red 29mm CDS; Red 19 x 5 mm S/L PAID; Red "3" in 16mm Circle. Rate for up to 3000 miles, per Act of March 3, 1851.
Maine NY/Aug 5 Manuscript town and date. Manuscript "Paid 3" Rate for up to 3000 miles, per Act of March 3, 1851.
Maine NY/Mar 6 Manuscript; Manuscript "Free"/ A H Clark PM. Free frank of postmaster.
Maine NY/Nov 14 Manuscript; Manuscript "Free"/ A H Clark PM. Another free frank of postmaster Clark.
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