The Hospital Post Office was established on March 1, 1901 as a station of Binghamton per Postal Bulletin 6399. It was previously known as Sta 4 (State Hospital). It exists today with a Zip Code of 13904.
BINGHAMTON,N.Y./AUG 4/8:30AM/HOSPITAL STA CDS, 26mm, Black; Black numeral duplex ties 1 cent green (#300) to post card. VALOIS,N.Y./AUG/6/1906/5PM/REC'D 30mm CDS.
BINGHAMTON,N.Y./JUN 18/9 AM/HOSPITAL STA. Black 26mm CDS, year outside of circle. Black numeric duplex (2) cancelling 1 cent green and 2 cent carmine on amber postal stationery (U430).
BINGHAMTON, N.Y./JAN 18/4 P M/HOSPITAL STA. Black 25mm CDS, year outside of circle. Black numeral duplex (2) cancelling 2 cent carmine on amber postal stationery (U430).
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